When traditional loans fall short and fail to cover the entire cost of attending school, you lose the opportunity to enroll a potential student. Custom and flexible payment plans through TFC help every potential student afford your school, all while easing administrative burdens and saving you time and money.
Every student is different, and so are their financing needs. Our payment plans are designed to be flexible and fit the unique needs of every student. With 50 years of experience, we know what works.
We handle the entire financing process from collecting payments to providing personalized reports. You simply view your students’ progress on an easy-to-use online dashboard.
We follow up with students before and after every payment due date. We send reminders and provide personalized communication via text messages, phone calls, emails, and letters.
You know what’s best for your students and your school. You can choose which students to finance, the monthly payment amount amount, interest rate, payment due date, and more!
We help you maintain compliance with state and federal government regulations such as TILA and 90/10 rules.
Want to integrate your school’s existing software with TFC? Report students to credit bureaus? Require a co-buyer? Set up tiered payments? You decide!
Manage all of your student contracts from any device through an online portal and receive customized emailed reports.
With simple billing, transparent pricing, and easy-to-use custom technology, your school can get up and running quickly while saving time, money, and unnecessary stress.
Increase enrollment, improve student success, and watch administrative hassles disappear.
© 2019 TFC Tuition Financing